Summary & Compatibility of Supported Features

To best support creatives, all Renderjuice plans support the vast majority of features marked with a ✅. Those that are not available on all plans will be explicitly noted below.

SymbolSupport Status
Fully Supported
🔫Actively Being Worked On
No Immediate Plans to Support
This table is comprehensive, but may not be exhaustive. Features that are actually supported may not be listed and vice versa.
Blender FeatureDescriptionNotesSupport
Composite NodesCompositing nodes with extra file outputs
Geometry NodesGeometry nodes and procedural methods
Simulation NodesPhysics simulation nodes (e.g. Simulation Zones in and with other Geometry Nodes)
Rigid Body SimulationsSimulating solid object dynamics with realistic motion and collision
Cryptomatte NodesCryptomatte nodes useful for masking and other compositing tasks on individual assets
Hair NodesProcedural Hair via manipulation of curves with Geometry Nodes, released in Blender 3.5
StereoscopyStereoscopic rendering
Alembic Imports and LinksImporting and linking .abc files into your scene
Extensions and AddonsBlender extensions and addons
Cycles EngineBlender’s photorealistic rendering engine
EEVEE EngineBlender’s physically based realtime rendering engine
EEVEE NextBlender next-gen physically based realtime rendering engine released in Blender 4.2🔫
ACES Color ManagementThe popular Academy Color Encoding System for color grading, supported along with other color management presetsStudio Plan🔫
Custom Color ManagementOther custom color management configs that you have set up will work with Renderjuice and can be set up in your settings.Studio Plan🔫
OptiX GPU RenderingNVIDIA’s Ray Tracing framework utilized by Blender
CUDA GPU RenderingNVIDIA’s CUDA framework utilized by Blender
Blender Add-On and ExtensionsAddons that you may have gotten from BlenderMarket or via Blender Extensions e.g., FLIP Fluids, Botaniq, etc.🔫
Metal GPU RenderingApple’s Metal framework utilized by Blender
MantaFlow Fluid SimulationsBlender’s built-in fluid simulator. The default for fluid simulations
Multilayer EXR and Broad OpenEXR SupportOutputs in .exr with multiple channels, fully supported.
TIFF SupportOutputs in .tiff format, fully supported.
PNG SupportOutputs in .png format, fully supported.
JPEG SupportOutputs in .jpg format, fully supported.
Direct Output to MP4Directly encoding frames to the .mp4 or other video formats.Encoding video isn’t recommended to mitigate against re-renders.🔫
Select Individual Scenes from multi-scene filesSelecting scenes from multiple in a single file.
Open Image DenoiserIntel’s Open Image Denoiser, sometimes referred to as OIDN
Custom Python ScriptsRunning custom Python scripts to extend Renderjuice’s functionality.🚧
VSE (Video Sequence Editor)Using the Video Sequence Editor to render video sequences.🚧
Grease PencilUsing Grease Pencil to render 2D animations.

Please, if anything is missing that you think should be supported, let us know! We’re always looking to improve the experience for Blender users.

It truly helps us out a ton ☀️