Status: ✅ Fully Supported

Rigid body simulations are fully supported on Renderjuice and should work as expected out of the box 🎉 without much hassle.

The key requirement is that you bake your rigid body simulations before uploading your scene. You can do this in two ways:

  • Bake to Keyframes: This converts the simulation into keyframes embedded within your .blend file.
  • Bake All Dynamics: This creates a simulation cache that needs to be included with your .blend file when uploading.

Example Files

Below are two example .blend files demonstrating the correct and incorrect setup for rigid body simulations.

Both files feature the Blender Suzanne monkey and a cube dropping onto a plane, showcasing how baking affects the simulation during rendering.


To use rigid body simulations with Renderjuice (and likely other render farms), you need to bake the simulation. There are two methods to do this:

  • Bake to Keyframes: This converts the simulation into keyframes embedded within your .blend file.
  • Bake All Dynamics: This creates a simulation cache that needs to be included with your .blend file when uploading.

Baking to Keyframes or Baking Dynamics


Set Up Your Rigid Body Simulation

Create your scene with the rigid body simulation. This might involve adding rigid body physics to objects like the cube and monkey mesh and setting up the simulation settings as desired.


Bake to Keyframes

After setting up your simulation, you need to bake it to keyframes. To bake the rigid body simulation to keyframes: Select all the objects involved in the rigid body simulation. Go to the Object menu at the top, navigate to Rigid Body > Bake To Keyframes. In the pop-up dialog, set the frame range and baking options as needed, then click OK.

Baking Rigid Body Simulation to Keyframes


Save Your Scene

After baking, make sure to save your .blend file. The baked keyframes are now part of your scene.


Upload and Render

Upload your .blend file to Renderjuice and start your render. Since the simulation is baked to keyframes, it will render correctly on the farm.

There’s no need to upload any cache files or additional assets since the animation data is stored within the .blend file.


  • Did you bake your rigid body simulation? Whether to keyframes or as a cache.
  • Did you save your .blend file after baking? Ensure all changes are saved.
  • If using an external cache, did you include the cache files when uploading?
  • Are all necessary objects included in the bake? Only selected objects or those in the cache will have their simulations baked.


Having trouble or something doesn’t seem right? Just chat with us—we’re happy to help and respond quickly!